What is pH?

What is the pH? pH stands for Hydrogen Potential. It is the measure of the acidity or alkalinity in a solution, such as the water in our swimming pool.


To estimate this value we make use of the tests we use in our pool that measure the amount of hydrogen ions in the water.

From acid to alkaline, the pH scale ranges from 0 to 14.


The chemicals that are normally used to lower the pH of the pool usually contain hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, or sodium bisulfate.


So, to increase the pH of our pool we will use alkaline chemical products composed of sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate, for example.


At the bottom ​​of the pH table we can find substances such as lemon or gastric juices. On top of the board, however, we will find abrasive products such as bleach.


With these extreme substances in mind, it is clear to us how important it is to ensure that the water in our pool does not turn into a toxic broth that leaves our tongue all white and burns our eyelashes.


But why is it important to remain in a range from pH 7.2 to 7.6? There are several reasons for that:


It’s healthier

The pH of the tears that fall from our eyes when summer ends and we have to put the winter cover on our pool have a pH value around 7.4. Therefore, if the pH of our swimming pool is close to this value, we can rest assured of not suffering any irritation.


Help with disinfection

The means of disinfection such as chlorine lose great effectiveness as the pH value goes up, and can have a scarce disinfecting effect on water just approaching a pH level of 8 points.


It produces less algae

The majority of the algae species are sensitive to chlorine. Having a correct pH will grant greater efficiency to this chemical and help prevent these green and slippery life forms from proliferating in our aquatic environment.


Chemical balance of water

Having a good pH value is the best starting point to start building a healthy water.


Those who do not regularly check the pH value of their swimming pool will end up having problems with other aspects that directly affect the quality of the water.


If we want to use other chemicals to prevent or eliminate problems such as algae, it is essential to start by adjusting the pH level ​​before adding more chemicals to the pool.



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