3 ways to use the water of the pool

At GRE we do not recommend emptying your pool during winter for different reasons. However, sometimes it is necessary so the winter is the best time to carry out some work or adjustment to optimize your pool for the next season.
If you have the need to empty the pool, do not waste the water, there are several ways to take advantage of it.

Irrigate the plants with pool water

One of the best ways to take advantage of the large amount of water in the pool is to dose it to water your garden and plants.
But the pool water itself is not suitable for watering because it has a large amount of chemicals.
In order to use this water, it must first be free of chlorine and all chemical products. The common thing is that if you stop using the chemicals for your pool, the water in about a month will regain its potability; since the sun makes the water evaporate and consequently the chemicals.
However, before using the pool water for irrigation, we advise you to check the pH and chlorine levels. Ideally, the pH should be neutral and the chlorine should not exceed 0.3 mg per liter of water.
Once you have the pool water neutralized, you have a tank full of water in which you can dose to irrigate the plants for a long time. In this way, we collaborate with the environment and optimize the use of water.

Pool water for cleaning

When the water is free of chemical, we can also use it to clean outdoors like our terrace. We can throw a hose from the pool and flood our garden with water to clean it quickly.
Another way to reuse water is to use it to clean the car. It’s a good time to get your car out of the garage and hose it down to make it gleaming.

The swimming pool as a decorative pond

If that moment when you no longer use your pool has come, give it a second life; create a decorative pond to show off in your garden. This is ideal especially if you have an inground pool and you do not want to disassemble it and fill the hole you have made again.
To build the perfect pond you will have to let the chemicals in the pool disappear and measure the levels to be sure.
You can do some modification in your pool so that the pond is smaller; for example you can make it shallower if you fill it with limestone sand.
When you have the chemical-free water and you have established the size, you only have to say what fish and plants you want to inhabit your pool converted to a pond.


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