First aid in summer

What to do if you see a possible drowning? We have heard many times that you should be careful when you go into the water, but you never know what might happen or to whom. That is why, in any situation and until the arrival of medical assistance, it is important to help those in need. Here is a refresher on the different phases of the well-known PAA method.


The PAA system consists of 3 phases: Protect, Alert and Aid. Its main objective is to help the injured person with immediate care until an ambulance arrives.


Protect the scene.

Depending on the situation, the injured person and the rescuer should be as far away from the danger as possible. It is better to move the danger away than to move the injured person to avoid further accidents or injuries.


Call the emergency services.

Once the first step has been taken, contact the emergency services and explain the situation, both the type of accident and the number of injuries, the exact place where the mishap occurred, and identify yourself.



The first-aider must help the injured person, even if it is only with basic first-aid notions. It is important to emphasize that the most important point, in this case, is to save lives and then treat the injuries.


If you do not know how to proceed, it is better to abstain and wait for help, otherwise, the situation may become more complicated.


It is very easy to say all this, but to act appropriately is more complicated. Hence the advice: act quickly but always remain calm, do not move the injured person unless it is essential, reassure and keep the body temperature warm, among many other things.


Dozens of people die every year from drowning iin the pool or in the sea, so you have to be vigilant, who knows, maybe you can become someone’s hero. Stay alert!


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