Tips to avoid accidents in summer

Summer is here, and we are sure you are eager to rush to the pool to enjoy a refreshing swim. But first of all, as every year, it is important to be careful about possible drowning or scares in the water, both in swimming pools and in the sea.



The best time to go for a swim is when there is a lifeguard on the premises and life-saving tools such as a buoy. No matter what time it is, as long as there is sunlight, you must respect the colored flags: green, red, or yellow every time you want to take a dip in the seawater.


Also, be careful not to go into the water just after having eaten a meal, give yourself enough time to digest and go in slowly, otherwise there may be a scare.


In the case of children, they should always be supervised by an adult as well as by the lifeguard on duty at the time. If you do not know how to swim, use various protective measures such as, for example, the use of a muff.


On the other hand, if you are going to practice a sport, you must respect the areas established for this purpose, far from the shore, in the case of the beach, and follow the different safety measures.



beber aguaWith the arrival of summer, temperatures rise to cause thousands of cases of dehydration. Remember that drinking water is essential but even more so when the hot season arrives. Often when you go out for outdoor sports, such as running, you can get so focused on doing well that you forget to drink water.


It is also advisable to wear comfortable, cool and light clothing. But above all, sun cream should be used to avoid other types of skin diseases caused by the sun.


For all these reasons, it is important to be aware of any surprises and to take care of yourself, as summer is full of great moments.


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