It’s time to enjoy the last rays of sunshine and take a dip in the pool. With the arrival of winter, pools need to be protected, but what were the steps to take?
Removing all the accessories
The first step in the winterising process is to remove all the pool accessories: ladders, thermometers, dosing devices, etc. and store them in a place where there is no humidity.
Use a pool cleaner
Remove all the dirt from the pool with a pool cleaner that picks up any particles from the bottom of the water and the walls. In addition, with a manual pool cleaner, such as a leaf cleaner, you should remove anything that floats: leaves, insects, etc.
A tip: clean the waterline so that no unwanted black or yellow streaks appear next swimming season.
Water in the skimmer and return valve
In winter, the pool water should be 4 to 5 cm below the skimmer, so that the water does not freeze in the skimmer and break. In the case of steel pools, a gizzmo can be fitted to the skimmer so that no water drips into the hoses. In the case of the return valve, a plug must be fitted, which is included in the pool kit.
It is not necessary to drain the pool water completely.
Pouring chemical
The only chemical that should be poured in, as long as the pH of the water is regulated, because otherwise any chemical that is poured in will not work if it is not level, is the wintering or winter chemical. Check the instructions to find out how much to pour depending on the volume of water in the pool.
Putting on a cover
The last step is to put away the summer cover and put on a winter cover. This protects both the water and the structure of the pool.
It is advisable to place an inflatable cushion or a buoy between the water and the cover to prevent the water from freezing and sticking to the cover.
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