Aqualoon, Gre last generation filtering system

Surely you already know the sand filtration system for swimming pools. It’s been the most popular swimming pool filtering system until the day.


In Gre, we work to improve our customers experience with their pools, making easier their maintenance with new techniques and products of the highest quality and excellence in their manufacture.


This is why new products and effective accessories have been born for the water filtration of swimming pools, that carry many other advantages, as we will see below and are also respectful with the environment.


Specifically, one of Gre’s most recent products, Aqualoon swimming pool ball filter system, a new material much more comfortable and cleaner.


These are polyethylene balls that are placed in the pool filter tank replacing sand or glass.


aqualoon filters pools water

Perks of Gre Aqualoon

There are many advantages over this new Gre filtering product for swimming pools, every day more and more customers trust in its possibilities since it is:


➔    Easy to use. Just fill the filter with the Aqualoon filter balls, according to the volume of your filtration system and the capacity of our pool.

➔    Light and comfortable. You’ll save picking up by yourself or transporting heavy bags of sand since 25 kg of sand for pool filters equals only 700 grams of Aqualoon ball filter material.

➔    More hygienic. When cleaning and refilling the filter, you won’t get as dirty as with the sand filters for pools.

➔    More efficient. It can filter very small waste of up by yourself to 3 microns versus 20 – 40 microns, which are the smallest particles that sand filtering system for swimming pools.

➔    Simple maintenance. Remove the Aqualoon balls from the filter, rinse off large dirt and waste, place it in a laundry bag, wash in washing machine at 30°C, let dry and put it back in the tub for the pool filtration system. We can reuse the balls of filtering material after washing them as many times as necessary until the balls are no longer clean after being washed. In which case, we will have to replace them.

➔    Greater durability. You can extend the life of the filtration system for swimming pools since you can wash and reuse the balls as many times as necessary while they stay clean. Remember that periodic cleaning of Aqualoon can improve the effectiveness of accessories such as pool filter pumps and make their service life longer in time. Don’t forget to keep the power off when you change the Aqualoon filtering system.

➔    Say goodbye to sand in the pool. One of the best advantages of this new filtering system for swimming pools. Is you won’t have sand everywhere again because of the filter. And therefore, you will avoid obstructions not only in the filter but in the cleaning system such as pumps, filters or skimmers. Added up you will also need to make less employment of the automatic cleaners.

➔    Ecologic. Once you have to renew your Gre Aqualoon system, you can easily get rid of it by depositing it in the yellow container, as it is made of 100% recyclable polyethylene, not toxic. In addition, as it is so efficient at filtering, the preservation of the pool water will improve and less chemical products for swimming pools will be needed.

➔    Great to save on the side.  Gre Aqualoon system needs a lower frequency of washing and therefore extends its useful life.

➔    Adaptable to all filtering pool systems. Simply replace the pool filter sand with Gre Aqualoon. This accessory is valid for all pools, regardless of the size or shape of the pool. It should not be mixed with sand or glass, as it could damage the Aqualoon product, as the accessories or internal parts of the pump, filters, and skimmers.

How Gre Aqualoon works

In the case of having a specific pool filter for Gre Aqualoon. Simply open it and introduce the Aqualoon ball filter system according to the attached instructions.


If the filtration system for pools we have is sand, we must empty it completely, rinse it, clean all the parts and accessories perfectly, and dry, making sure that no waste remains are left.

Once the filter is clean, we will introduce Aqualoon depending on the capacity of the filter tank and the pool.


The Aqualoon pool ball filter system reduces its performance as the amount of water pollution increases. You should check periodically if the filtration system is clean.


If the water filtration performance of the pool is reduced, you should:

  • Replace filter balls.
  • Wash the balls in the washing machine at a maximum temperature of 30°C.

aqualoon special filter with polypropylene balls inside


Also, if you have a pool with pump basket or skimmer basket, from Gre we advidce you to use the Aqualoon filter system also in this type of pool.


Aqualoon is a new and revolutionary filtering system for elevated or removable pools, but in addition to filtering the swimming pool water, it will also be necessary to add the corresponding chemical according to each season and the use of the pool.


It is important that if you employ Aqualoon, do not use flocculants for the pool, as they cause the filter to harden and not properly filter the pool water. It is important to know which chemical product the pool needs at each season. For more information, you can check our Gre pool maintenance guide over our website.


On the Gre website you can also check out more products and accessories to improve your pool maintenance: electric cleaners, robots, brushes, leaf collectors, pumps, as well as other accessories and protective products for swimming pools such as isothermic covers, blankets, liners …, air conditioning accessories such as heat pumps or solar heating systems and many more interesting products.

If you have any doubts, write us. If you know what you want, go to your nearest distributor and start enjoying all the advantages of having a pool.


  1. Hola se puede usar flucurante con aqualoo

  2. Buenos días Encarna, Desaconsejamos por completo el uso de floculante y cualquier aditivo químico ya que puede dañar la efectividad del filtro, los laterales y los componentes internos de la cuba. Saludos.

  3. Hola donde se pueden comprar en santiago las pelotitas aqualoon para el filtrado

  4. Hola Martín,

    Pruebe aquí a buscar su tienda física:

  5. Se puede hacer lavado de filtro en la depuradora con Aqualoon? O siempre hay que quitar las bolas y lavarlo en lavadora. Gracias

  6. Hola Iván,
    Sí se puede hacer el lavado de filtro con las bolas de Aqualoon. Las bolas de algodón hay que lavarlas en la lavadora y sustituirlas periódicamente cuando estén deterioradas.

  7. Hola,acabo de comprar una depuradora aqualoon y me gustaría saber si las pastillas q utilizo de 10 acciones son compatibles con la depuradora,gracias!

  8. Hola,
    Sí, ambas son compatibles no hay problema.

  9. Cada cuanto tiempo se recomienda lavar en lavavadora ejemplo yo en junio las bolas eran nuevas…cuando deberia d lavarlas

  10. Buenas tarde Fernando,

    No hay estimado un tiempo concreto, lo ideal es revisar periódicamente el filtro y cuando esté lleno de suciedad lavarlo ya que dependerá de los residuos que haya en la piscina.

    Muchas gracias.

  11. Alejandro Nieto Ortiz says:

    Se puede utilizar Aqualoon con clorador salino?
    Un saludo. Gracias

  12. Buenas tardes Alejandro,

    Sí, ambos productos son compatibles y pueden convivir sin ningún problema.

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