How to keep the pool clean without a filter?

The maintenance of the water of the pools in optimal conditions is essential to enjoy a good dip without risks and free of contagions.


In general, home pools incorporate a filter to carry out the filtering of the water, but in certain cases, such as small-volume swimming pools, a water treatment plant is not included for maintenance.


It is not necessary to have a treatment plant to enjoy crystal clear water. There are guidelines and cleaning products that facilitate the maintenance of the pool, using some base chemicals


Water treatment


To achieve a balance of water and a good condition of the pool, it is necessary to carry out a continuous control of the pH level of the pool.


The pH is an indicator of the acidity and basicity of the swimming pool water. This level should be between 7.2 and 7.7 for a neutral pH and a water suitable for bathing, since an alteration in the pH of the water will make the chlorine lose its effectiveness.


To control and adjust the pH of the pool water, we can do it with a reducer or an increaser.



Chlorine is the product par excellence for the care and disinfection of swimming pool water. Among its main advantages, we can point out that it is one of the most economical products for the treatment of pools, it allows to quickly and efficiently destroy bacteria, fungi and water microorganisms.


Chlorine is a disinfectant and an easy and convenient oxidant to use for swimming pool maintenance and should be kept between 0.6 mg and 1.5 mg/l.


At Gre, we have chlorine for the treatment of pools in various formats: granulated chlorine, chlorine tablets or liquid, to cover and adapt to the needs of each pool and its users.


After winter storage, the home pools need a set-up. For this, the chlorine of shock is used, achieving a complete disinfection of the water in the pool. Slow chlorine, which is the most common, is used for daily maintenance of pool water.


Another problem that can arise in the pool water is algae. Algae are plant microorganisms that appear in the pool and spread quickly, especially when the water temperature is high, also favours the appearance of fungi and bacteria. The use of an algicide combined with chlorine will make it possible to avoid or stop this problem at its beginnings. Once the water has been invaded by the algae, things get complicated.


Regarding the treatment of pool water, at Gre we have multi-action chemical products for the treatment of pool water. A single product that allows a complete treatment of the pool water.


To keep the pool clean without a filter, it is necessary to use chlorine with a flocculant or to use a flocculant chemical. This product groups the impurities that float in the water, causing them to fall to the bottom of the pool so that they can be removed later with a cleaner.


By not having a filter that filters the water, the flocculant manages to filter the small particles suspended in the water of the pool. The flocculant prevents the cloudy aspect of the pool water.


All these chemicals to keep the pool water in optimal conditions can also be found in convenient mono-dose, which besides being much safer, are very practical to use.



Cleaning of the pool


The next step is to clean the pool itself. Since there is no sewage treatment plant, it is necessary to clean the pool with a pool cleaner. There are many options:


  • Gre’s electric swimming pool battery cleaners, which do not need a filter for their operation and allow the pool to be cleaned without the need for cables, or to plug in the appliance during its use.


  • Electric pool cleaners have their own filtration system, they include a filter or bag that retains the small particles. It is a self-contained and lightweight, it’s a product very easy to handle.


  • Gre also have cleaning kits for swimming pools, and they do not need a sewage treatment plant either. These kits include chlorine and pH analyser, brush for cleaning the bottom and walls of the pool, leaf collector to remove accumulated dirt on the surface of the pool, thermometer to measure the temperature of the water and even chlorine dispenser.


Other materials that we can find to clean our pools are the magic sponges for the waterline. These sponges are used to remove stains embedded in the waterline of the pool, even in the shape of a glove to facilitate the task.


Preventive Measures to Keep the Pool Clean


In order to enjoy the pool and crystal-clear water, the main thing is to prevent dirt. “It is not cleaner than clean, but it is with fewer stains,” therefore, if we protect the pool water from dirt, we will prevent it from contaminating you and turning cloudy.


The covers for pools protect from the fall of all kinds of dirt, leaves, debris, dust, insects, and so on. In addition, they facilitate the maintenance of the pool and involve savings of chemical products, since they prevent the chlorine from evaporating and reduce the cleaning tasks.


The summer covers also maintain the temperature of the pool water, preventing the apparition of algae.


The winter pool covers for their part, together with a good product for winterising the pool, avoid having to change the water and facilitate the set-up of the pool for the swimming season.


Another element that prevents dirt in the pool are outdoor showers. Using the shower before entering the pool reduces the amount of organic matter and dirt that gets into the water (traces of cream, sweat…). For the feet, which are the dirtiest, it will be very interesting to place a foot bath at the entrance of the pool and prevent the water from getting dirty with dirt or grass.


Surely you find the perfect combination of products to keep the pool clean without a filter. If you would like to know more about the cleaning materials for swimming pools, subscribe to Gre’s blog and follow us on social networks.


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ball in a cloudy poolclean the poolclean a small poolpool with a winter cover


  1. Thanks for also talking about how to balance out the chlorine levels of a swimming pool. I’m interested in looking for a pool maintenance company because I will be getting my pool refilled with water soon. Getting that done professionally might be a good idea.

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  4. ¡Thank you Joshua!

  5. Muy buen artículo. El mantenimiento de las piscinas es algo que se debería hacer durante el año y solo lo ahcemos de cara al verano.

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  6. ¡Muchas gracias Luis por confiar en nosotros!

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