Keep your pool clean in autumn

Autumn is the perfect season to take advantage of the last days at the pool. Although the sun is no longer hot as in summer, we have some tricks to take advantage of the bath for longer.

Clear water

It is very important to keep the water always clean throughout the bathing season; but more so now that autumn is coming and the leaves are falling from the trees.


First of all, check that the chlorine and pH are within the appropriate parameters.


When we have healthy water, we must remove the remains of dirt that may remain at the bottom. For this, you need a pool cleaner that removes all accumulated waste. You can choose the one that best suits you and your pool.

Hot water

Now that the sun is not so hot and the nights are colder in some areas, it may be that you need to raise the temperature of your pool so that the morning bath does not cost too much.


Therefore, we recommend that you put a heat pump to raise the temperature of the water a few degrees. This way you will be able to extend the pool season and take advantage of a few more weeks.

Protect your pool

So that the heat accumulated in the pool by the pump does not go away during the night, which is when the temperature drops, it is essential to place a cover on your pool.


This will help keep the water warm in addition to keeping the pool clean by preventing particles from falling during the night.

What to do if you don’t have a cover?

If you don’t have a cover to cover your pool, it is more exposed to dirt and particles in the environment. Therefore, you should clean your pool more often and prevent dirt from accumulating.


We also recommend that you check the condition of the water more frequently; in other words, parameters such as chlorine or pH are adjusted.


Keeping the pool covered is important as long as we are not going to use it. Therefore, if after the bathing season you are thinking of putting your pool in winter mode, you should know that you will need a winter cover.


In this way you will protect your pool by preventing the water from freezing and the components from deteriorating.



If you keep these tricks in mind, you will take advantage of your pool for longer.


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