Salt chlorinator, what is it and how is it installed in the pool

If you think chlorine is the only way to keep a pool clean, you’re wrong. The salt chlorinator is the perfect alternative that does not harm the environment or our pool.

What is salt chlorination?

The name itself already gives us a clue. The salt chlorinator is a device that generates natural chlorine for the pool from common salt.
All our lives we have known chlorine as the main disinfectant for swimming pools. However, there are alternatives such as salt chlorination in which the use of direct chlorine is not necessary. You can have a clean pool without chlorine.
Discover the differences between chlorine and saline chlorination.

Who can have a salt chlorinator?

This type of natural disinfectant can be mounted in inground pools, which have rigid pipes installed.
It is not an aggressive product since it generates chlorine naturally without chemicals. This makes it perfect for people with sensitive skin that chlorine can affect to a greater extent.
It is also very convenient so you don’t have to worry about treating the pool water, as it has a system that automatically doses the dose that the pool needs at all times. You can go on vacation for a season knowing that your pool will be in perfect condition when you return.

How does salt chlorination work?

We pour common salt into the chlorinator. This has a cell that is responsible for converting that salt into chlorine through a chlorination process. This simple process does not leave residues in the water since, being a naturally generated chlorine, the sun’s rays are directly responsible for undoing them.

How to install a salt chlorinator?

If you want to put this system in your pool, you need the piping system that connects the filter to the pool to be rigid. The chlorinator is installed after the sand filter, so that the water passes through the chlorinator once it is clean.
If you want to avoid being constantly aware of having the pool clean, and take care of the sensitive skin of the little ones, install a salt chlorinator in the pool.
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  1. Falta lo más importante: cuánto cuesta la instalación y el mantenimiento.

  2. Buenos días Conchi,

    En GRE trabajamos a través de distribuidores por lo que son ellos quien establecen los precios; por eso no podemos dar nosotros un precio estimado.
    En cuanto a la instalación, estamos trabajando en un vídeo que pronto publicaremos mostrando cómo montar de manera correcta un clorador salino.
    El mantenimiento es prácticamente cero ya que es el propio clorador quien alerta de la falta de sal o si hubiera algún problema con el agua por lo que no es necesario estar pendiente del mantenimiento del agua.

    Esperamos haber podido resolver alguna de sus dudas. Si lo desea, puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros.
    Muchas gracias,

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