Leaks and loss of water in the swimming pool

In any type of swimming pool, whether they are cement pools or removable pools, the water level may decrease due to the vigorous baths and jumps into the water, the evaporation of water due to high temperatures and the use of the swimming pool water filtration system.


But when the water level drops too much, and we suspect that water is lost somewhere, we may have a leak in the pool, and we should repair it.


When the water level, i.e., the waterline, drops sharply in a short time, we must verify that we do not have a leak in the liner of the removable pool, or in the filtration system of the pool.


The liner of removable pools, as we have already mentioned in this post, is one of the main components of the pool and of the most delicate ones, since it contains the water and allows the waterproofing of the pool.


The liner of the removable pools is a delicate element that we must handle with caution when it is installed in the pool, and requires continuous maintenance and care to prolong its useful life. However, with the passage of time it will be necessary to change it, as it deteriorates in contact with chemicals or under the effect of the sun, among other causes. Otherwise, it may present some problem such as water leaks.


Although we do a proper maintenance of the water and the pool, sometimes the pool liner suffers scratches or leaks that make us realise that the pool loses water.


If you suspect that your removable swimming pool has leaks, we detail a series of steps to test  if there’s really a water leak in the pool:


Detect the Leak

Mark on the vinyl liner the water level of the pool and check after 24 hours how much the water has gone down. The descent of the water will depend on the temperature, the higher the temperature, the greater the evaporation of the water in the pool.

However, this distance should not be greater than 3 or 4 cm. If at the end of the detection test, we observe that the loss of water is greater than these values, we can confirm that we have a problem of a leak in the pool.


Search the Pool for the Water Leak

You can dive in the pool with some diving glasses and check the liner inch by inch to detect the leak (or leaks). It takes time, but it is the most effective way to proceed to the detection on the vinyl liner.


Check Pool Surroundings and Equipment

Check that around the pool and the filtration equipment to see there is no moisture, puddles or rusty areas that could indicate the pool is losing water.


Check Filtration System of the Swimming Pool

It is possible that the loss of water from the pool occurs is in the purifier or other filtering elements. Check the skimmer, the return valve, the filtration bucket and the connections of the pool with the purifier.


Check the Access Ladder

Ladders for removable pools usually have protections at the base to avoid damaging the liner, check that they are properly placed and that they are not touching the canvas.


Once we have detected the leak or loss of water, either in the pool or in the filtering system, we will proceed to solve it.


If the leak is located in the liner of the swimming pool, do not worry, the leak can be fixed very easily. There are repair kits for pool liner for the maintenance and care of the removable pools. We can repair small gaps caused by weather or by an accidental cut in the pool liner. This type of product can be applied under water, so it is very useful.


If the hole is very large, we will have no choice but to change the liner of the pool.


If, on the other hand, the leak is in the filtering equipment instead of in the pool, you should follow the following instructions:


  • If the leak is in the skimmer of the pool, we have to disassemble the skimmer and change the joints if they are worn out. If the liner of the pool is damaged in this area, you can seal the area with silicone.
  • If the leak is in the return valve and connections use Teflon to seal the threads and links between the purifier and the pool.


Now that leaking problem of the pool has been solved, it’s time to enjoy a good dip.


At Gre, to avoid possible leaks before the installation of the pools, we recommend preparing a concrete slab or protecting the base where the posts are installed, thus avoiding the great majority of leaks in the liner. At Gre, you can find protective blankets to protect the bottom of the pool.


In addition, when installing the pools, special care must be taken in the areas where the liner is installed, like the profiles. For these areas, if the installation has not been carried out properly, with water pressure and use, leaks and damage to the liner can occur.


For more information about the liners for swimming pools and the removable pools of Gre, you can subscribe to the blog of Gre and follow us on social networks.



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  1. Hemos montado nuestra piscina Bora Bora segun instrucciones,poniendo teflón en todas las juntas, todo según el manual. Pierde agua constantemente, y ya hemos puesto silicona,pega,selladores..y sigue saliendo. No podemos vaciar la piscina, y es desesperante.
    ¿Alguna solución?

  2. Buenos días Carmen,
    ¿Puede mandarme fotos al siguiente mail para ver bien el problema?: contacto@gre.es

    Muchas gracias.

  3. My family and I plan to spend the next few months at my brother’s vacation house, but he’s recently contacted me about a pool leakage problem, and unfortunately, I have no prior knowledge about things like those. It really helped when your article mentioned ways to detect the leak, such as surveying surrounding equipment and double-checking the liner for any damages, as I wouldn’t have known where to start checking once we get there. My brother and I will look into getting some professional help before our vacation starts, and we’ll be sure to keep your article in mind when we consult with them.


  4. Hi Afton,

    Thank you for your comment, we hope the post has been useful.
    In GRE, we are glad to help you everytime you need.

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