The proper cleaning of a swimming pool

Summer is coming, so it is time to get your pool ready. After months without having used the pool, the last thing you want to do is clean the pool. But if you don’t want to worry about that, there are Gre and Zodiac robotic pool cleaners.

Zodiac robots

There are several parameters for choosing a good cleaning device: the shape of the pool, the volume of water, cleaning precision, etc.

Zodiac has different technologies that adapt perfectly to the peculiarities of your favorite corner of the house.

Zodiac’s electric robots

This type of cleaner is independent of the pool’s filtration system and has an autonomy of between 1 and 3 hours, depending on the model chosen. Furthermore, they do not have the option of choosing between different programs as they can access any corner of the pool: the floor, the walls, and the corners.

Zodiac hydraulic robots

Zodiac’s hydraulic robots are a simple and accessible solution. This type of pool cleaner is installed in the pool’s filtration system, i.e., they use the pump’s energy to operate. The cleaner’s connection to the pump is the skimmer, where it must be connected.

Hydraulic robots are perfect for small pools.

Wetrunner robotic pool cleaner

This model of the robot is from the Gre brand. It has a rechargeable battery and autonomy of 1h, enough to do other tasks in the meantime. The pool cleaner is ideal for above-ground pools, sucking up dirt from any corner of the pool, from a square to around the swimming pool.


All pool cleaners, whether electric or hydraulic, are suitable for all types of pools and clean both the walls and the floor of the pool. In addition, these models are equipped with innovative systems that help to collect large debris such as leaves and even finer particles such as sand.


Thanks to automatic pool cleaners, you can keep your pool sparkling all year round. All you need to do is think about the model that best suits the needs of each pool.


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Robot eléctrico Zodiac CNXLimpiafondos Wetrunner Gre


  1. Hola. Tengo un robot werunner desde hace dos meses y se han roto dos patillas de las que cierran el robot. Me pueden decir dónde comprar el repuesto. Gracias

  2. Buenos días Ana, el robot tiene una garantía de 2 años, por favor póngase en contacto con el departamento de post venta que le ayudaran a resolver su problema: Un saludo.

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