Thanksgiving 2020: celebrate at home

Thanksgiving 2020 is coming soon, and this year, we have to use our imagination in order to be able to enjoy a special day whenever possible, especially for those living on the American continent, who celebrate this day in a big way. In this post, we’re telling you how to organize your Thanksgiving Day 2020 next Thursday, November 26th, and enjoy one of the best known traditions all over the world.


Thanksgiving is a very special holiday in the United States. The main dish of the holiday dinner is a large roast or baked turkey, which is normally accompanied by stuffing made of cornbread and sage. It’s served with a traditional cranberry sauce and vegetable dishes such as green beans, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and gravy, a sauce made with the juice from the turkey. Various dishes are served as desserts, but the most popular is pumpkin pie. It is also common to prepare pecan pie and apple pie.


This year, 2020, has become a very different year from the rest. Without a doubt, the onset of the pandemic has changed almost everyone’s plans. This new normality that has imposed itself, with all the safety rules that have to be followed, is frustrating or canceling the plans of thousands of people. It is forbidden to travel to other countries, or because the rules and restrictions do not allow more than X number of persons to meet in an indoor space, whether it’s a home or a restaurant. In any case, we encourage you to enjoy this holiday, if you usually celebrate it, at home with all the safety measures.

Celebrating Thanksgiving 2020

Since this year the holiday will have to be celebrated differently, we’re going to give you some useful advice so that you can experience that day in the most special way possible, while following all the measures imposed by the health authorities.

Thanksgiving 2020 is being celebrated on November 26 this year, a date that acts as a forerunner to the Christmas holidays. It’s the celebration of a day of gratitude, with a primary role being played at the time by the first English immigrants who arrived in North America around 1620, escaping in hope of a better life. This dinner was conceived as a way of thanking the natives for having helped them. This tradition has expanded over the centuries.


Advice to make it happen

This is a day to enjoy with your family, a day when all the members of the same family come together, traveling to meet and have dinner together. This year will be different so if you want to host a banquet at home, we recommend making some changes, which will make the day be just as special, but adapted to the new circumstances.

1. Switch your Thanksgiving 2020 dinner to lunchtime. Since in some areas there are curfew restrictions, we recommend enjoying this special day with a tasty midday meal at home. In this way, you’ll be able to enjoy an extended dessert and extend the aftermath of the meal until nighttime.

2. There can’t be more people in your house than are allowed, according to the region, so we recommend that you only invite your nuclear family in order to avoid having any problems afterwards. A perfect alternative is to share the day with other relatives by video call, with everyone eating together united by a screen.

3. To make things even more special, you can prepare a menu with your children, in order for them to participate in this celebration as well, and to add a more magic touch to a day that will be special but different from the rest.


4. If you have at home a above ground pool, you can decorate it with autumn colors to get your home ready for this celebration.

Because Thanksgiving 2020 will be a day to remember forever: from GRE we encourage you to make it special with your loved ones.


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