How to Prime a Pool Pump When It Gets Air

It is very common for the pool pump to pick up air.


Before doing anything, a preliminary check should be carried out to see if the air has remained in the filter circuit. To do this, there are several methods which are explained below.


  1. Look at the pump basket when it is running. If there is not enough water, it means that there is air trapped.
  2. Look at the pressure gauge of the purifier, if it shows 0, it means that no water is coming in, but air is coming out.
  3. When the impulsion nozzle expels little water.



Procedure for re-priming the pool pump

Once the check has been carried out, the process of adjusting the pump and the circuit must begin. The steps to follow are as follows:


  1. Disconnect or switch off the filter and close all the suction valves, such as the skimmer. Except for the discharge valve, so that the water drains into the sewer.
  2. Switch the selector valve on the filter to the circulation or flushing position.
  3. Open the lid of the pump basket and fill it with water up to the top to prevent it from filling with air. Once this has been done, close it properly again.
  4. Open the skimmer valve and swich on the filter. If all goes well, the filter fills up with water, gradually open the rest of the valves (if any).
  5. Wait until the filter is completely filled with water.
  6. Turn off the system and switch the selector valve to the rinse option and restart.
  7. Finally, turn the system off again and close the flush valve and select the filtration option.


It is important to prime the pools pump correctly to avoid damaging it and to ensure adequate water flow. If you have any doubts or difficulties, it is advisable to contact a qualified professional for assistance.


  1. Es normal que ponga donde ponga el selector me sale agua por el tubo de waste?

  2. Buenos días Isabel,

    Eso puede ser debido a que hay algún punto que no está correctamente montado, mangueras…

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