Winter Skin Care: Best TIPS

If we like to enjoy the pool in winter, we must protect those parts of our body that are more fragile to the drop in temperature. Such as the skin, which is one of the organs that suffers most in winter. Heating, changes in humidity, scorching showers, or clothes made of heavy fabrics, are elements that work throughout the day to dry and ruin the dermis.


Why it is important to look after your skin

Add chlorine to the above, and such a cocktail can have wrenching consequences for the skin. Naturally, some skin is more sensitive to the chemical than others, but, in winter, dry skin is a problem faced by virtually everyone, and chlorine can only make the situation worse. If you notice the slightest irritation when you get out of the pool in summer, expect further damage in winter.

Faced with the unpleasant thought of wearing drier, more irritated skin, many people may be discouraged from diving into the pool. But by following some basic cosmetic care and taking small precautions before and after swimming, we can keep our skin looking healthy and pleasant all year round.




How winter affects your skin

Winter skin care

  • Hygiene and hydration

If you are prone to long winter swims and want to reduce the impact of chlorine on your skin, the best thing to do is to use a moisturiser before getting in the water. Not only will it prevent the skin from drying out, but it will also create a barrier between the chemicals in the pool and the epidermis.


Keep in mind that body lotions pose a problem for the cleanliness and chemical balance of pools and spas, so keep a close eye on the level of these.


  • Sun protection

Showering after our aquatic routines or in extreme temperatures is mandatory to avoid skin dryness and unnecessary absorption of the chemicals that settle on it. A great ally are special gels for dry skin, or those that contain oils and nutrients in their recipe. Don’t pack the first gel you find around the house, or the one with the smallest container, as is often the case.

Be aware that body lotions pose a problem for the cleanliness and chemical balance of pools and spas, so keep a close eye on the level of these.


  • Showering in extreme temperatures

Beware of sudden changes in temperature. It is not advisable to leave the pool abruptly, as the impact of cold or wind can damage your skin. If it is within your means, a sauna or jacuzzi can be a healthy rite of passage.



Remember that, if the pool you are going to swim in during the winter is your own, there are water disinfection alternatives to chlorine that will make your skin suffer less, such as bromine or salt chlorination.


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