How to clean the pool water line

How to clean the waterline of the pool? If there is a black or yellow stripe on the waterline it must be removed. The main cause of these streaks is the use of sun creams or oils used to protect the body from the sun, especially in summer.


Swimming pools can be either in-ground or above ground or with liner or gresite. They are all cleaned in the same way.


Cleaning products

The best way to clean the dirt from the water’s edge is to use a specific sponge for this type of situation. Gre has two models: one for above-ground pools, designed in the shape of a glove, and another sponge, which is suitable for both above-ground pools and spas. In the event of not achieving the expected results, the sponge should be accompanied by soap.


The use of sponges is very useful as it helps to avoid the appearance of fungus or bacteria and saves the use of chemicals.


esponja linea del agua


Recommended steps

The first step to start cleaning is to lower the water level by 3 to 5 cm. This avoids dirtying the pool water and makes the waterline more accessible.


Then apply the chemical, usually soap, to the sponge or cloth. A very effective tip is to leave the line impregnated with the product for about 30 minutes to rinse the area well by rubbing.


Once the previous step has been completed, the area should be wiped again to remove the remains and the water level should be raised again. Do not forget to recheck the pH and chlorine levels.


When the waterline turns a yellow colour is the best time to clean as when it turns black it requires more effort and it is more difficult to remove the stains. Get ahead!


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