How to install an above ground pool?

When the sun comes out, the first thing that crosses our mind is getting the pool ready for the summer months. If you’re thinking about installing an above ground pool for summer or you have space for this type of pool; we offer you some tips on how to get everything ready so that it turns out as it should.


Preparations before installing an above ground pool

The first thing to take into account before installing an above ground pool is to check what the plot of land is like where it is going to be installed. If it is not in optimal conditions, it must be prepared in accordance with the indications provided for each category of pool. In some categories of removable pools; such as composite, wood and buried pools, it is compulsory and/or recommended that, if the ground is not cemented, it should be, for a better installation. Furthermore, it should be as level as possible, in order to avoid problems when it comes to installing it, and it is also advisable for it to have a completely smooth finish, as this will prevent possible punctures or cracks occurring in the removable pool liner. 


Another thing to take into account is the pool filter system, because this must be put next to it. The filters have an electrical system that needs to be connected to the domestic power supply, as well as a drainage system through which the water is purified.


Before installing, it is good idea to check that you have all the necessary parts.


Installing and filling an above ground pool

In order to install an above ground pool, the most important thing is to carefully follow the installation instructions. The installation method may vary depending on what material it is made from. When laying the liner, it is good idea to make sure that there are no wrinkles. A good trick is to fill it to about 5 cm to easily remove them because, once the pool is filled with water, you will not be able to get rid of them.


In addition, during installation, it is essential to verify that the filter is correctly connected so that it works properly. It is necessary to carry out a purge using the filter´s pressure 

gauge to remove the air before using it. In order to ensure that the pool and its components are installed correctly, it is necessary to carry out 3 checks; first fill the pool ¾ of the way up with water, if you have done this, next fill the removable pool up to the return valve. The pool is then checked again and if everything is in order, the last fill is carried out up to the skimmer. With these three simple steps we can check that it has been installed correctly.


Once you’ve carried out all those checks, it is a good idea to leave about 5-7 centimeters between the water and the edge of the pool.


After installing, above ground pool maintenance

Once you have installed the above ground pool and the water has been filled, the last thing you need to know is how to maintain it. To do this, you have to analyse the pH of the water which should be somewhere between 7.2 and 7.6. Put the chlorine tablets in a floating chemical dispenser that keeps them away from the edges of the pool. Both the chlorine level and the pH of the water should be checked every 3-4 days.


And after all this hard work, all you need to do now is enjoy the most refreshing dips. At GRE, you will find everything you need for treating and maintaining your pool water.


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  1. ¿Hola muy buenas una pregunta estas piscinas se puede usar con agua salada?

  2. Buenos días estimado cliente,
    Sí, estas piscinas se pueden usar con clorador salino, no olvide colocar al menos una toma de tierra para que no le oxide las partes metálicas de la piscina como puede ser la escalera. Puede conocer más sobre el clorador salino en nuestro blog:
    Gracias y un saludo

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