Among the best swimming pools of 2018, we can find the new Dream Pool of Gre. A new series of above the ground swimming pools to dream about.
Gre has been leading the european market of detachable swimming pools for decades. This makes it harder to come up with a product that revolutionise the scene.
But dedication and persevering research always bear fruit, and in that sense, Gre is a relentless machine that always finds its way to make the swimming pool industry to evolve.
Steel swimming pools are the majority of Gre’s catalogue. A bulk that grows bigger with this year’s Dream Pools, giving the customer more options to pick from that kind of pool we make better than anyone.
Its graphite finish gets them close to its sisters the fashionable composite swimming pools of Gre, with the difference of a more affordable cost.
The brand new Dream Pools have arrived willing to win the summer, and they appear in Gre’s catalogue with a dozen designs:
Granada Oval Pool
Granada Round Pool
Kea Oval Pool
Kea Round Pool
Recuerda que todas las piscinas vienen con Escalera de seguridad 2×3 peldaños, depuradora de arena de 3 m³/h, conjunto de skimmer, mangueras de conexión y arena sílex.
Pásate por para descubrir el modelo de Dream Pool que mejor se adapta a tus necesidades.
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