Complement the cleaning of your pool and enjoy crystal clear water

Keeping the water in your pool clean is the key to enjoy a dip this summer. For that, it is important to know what cleaning your pool needs.

Complementary products

You can apply a serie of accessories in your pool that will help you keep the water healthy at all times. They adapt to all pools and you will have your water clean throughout the year.


The Poolp’o is one of our best complements; it performs a complete cleaning in a period of 30 days. It is very easy to use, you just have to leave it in the water and forget about it.


There are different types of Poolp’o, which adapt to the size of your pool to optimize cleaning. This treatment lasts a month and has 4 actions: sanitizing, anti-bacteria, anti-algae and flocculating.


This product does not affect the filtration of the pool and offers safe maintenance since there is no direct contact with the chemical product.

Pool treatment kit

At GRE we have this complete kit in two versions, for smaller pools and for larger ones.


This kit includes slow chlorine, a chlorine dispenser and an inflatable ball as a gift. This treatment is very effective when we begin to notice the lack of transparency in the water. We simply have to put a slow chlorine tablet in the dispenser and leave it in the water to dilute without worrying about the dose.

Stop cloudy or green waters

Another of the most common treatments for your pool is the anti-algae treatment. When we have green water, the problem is usually algae.


In this case, it is common for the wind to deposit spores in the water that grow like algae inside our pool. The Stop Green Water product helps to solve this problem with anti-algae and flocculant tablets that you can dose into the skimmer.


The same happens with our Stop Cloudy Waters product. In this case, these tablets, which also have flocculant, help to leave the water of  your pool crystal clear.


The anti-insect complement is perfect to prevent insects such as mosquitoes or ants from constantly falling into the water and having to clean it practically daily. It is created based on oils that are 100% natural, so it keeps the water in your pool healthy and does not damage your skin while you are swimming.


This product incorporates a dispenser that distributes the product over the entire surface and adapts to all types of pools.



Now that you know some of our complementary cleaning products, choose the one that best suits your pool and keep the water always healthy. Discover more complementary products on our website.


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