Hydraulic pool cleaner, characteristics and operation

The hydraulic pool cleaner cleans the pool automatically, so you don’t have to do anything. Do you want to know how it works?

Characteristics of the cleaner

Hydraulic pool cleaners can be used in all types of pools; both buried and elevated. In addition, they reach every corner and clean the bottom and walls; regardless of whether the bottom is flat or sloped.


One of the greatest advantages of these cleaners is their silent operation; They do not make any noise compared to other cleaners that use the hammer system.


They are connected to the filtration inlet or to the skimmer, so we have to understand that not all hydraulic cleaners are suitable for all pools; this will depend on the filtration system of each one.


Depending on the power of your filtration system, you should choose one cleaner or another. If the cleaner you have chosen is not suitable for the power of the filter; it won’t clean correctly and it won’t do any good.


At GRE we have different formats of hydraulic pool cleaners and we want to show you what is the appropriate minimum power for each of the hydraulic cleaners. Here we leave you some of our models:


R3: 0.5CV ± 0.37KW

ACROBAT: 0.5CV ± 0.37KW


SILENCE VAC: 0.5CV (maximum 1.5CV) ± 0.37KW

CLASSIC VAC: 0.75CV ± 0.55KW

WIKI VAC: 0.1CV ± 0.074KW



Just by looking at your filtration system, you will be able to know which hydraulic pool cleaner you need, which adapts to your pool and cleans it optimally.


These cleaners move around the pool randomly; taking advantage of the suction power of the filter. In addition, they include a hose to reach every corner of your pool without having to worry about anything.


The first thing we have to do once we have mounted it, is to turn off our filter to be able to connect the cleaner. We connect the hose of the pool cleaner through the skimmer (or to the filtration outlet, depending on the pool). It is very important before connecting that the entire hose is filled with water and that there is no air inside. With air inside the vacuum system, the cleaner will not work properly.


When the connection is correct, we start the engine of the filter and the cleaner will begin to clean the pool autonomously. The duration varies depending on the size of the pool.


The cleaner does not have an independent filtration system; it depends on our pool filter, so we recommend cleaning the engine pre-filter after each use so that each cleaning is optimal.



Learn all about these pool cleaners with Julien.


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  1. boa noite tenho um vicvack e preciso do filtro que se encontra entre as mangueiras .ode posso comprar?

  2. Bom dia,
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  3. Tengo el Profesional Vac, en una piscina enterrada de 5 m x 2,5 m aprox. y motor de 1/2. CV, pero el limpiafondos se detiene a menudo en las esquinas de la piscina y se queda ahí hasta el que le muevo manualmente un poco.

  4. Buenos días,
    Gracias por contactar con nosotros. Por un lado comentarle que cualquier limpiafondos automático de vez en cuando necesita ser movido. Su limpiafondos es adecuado para la potencia de su bomba, así que basta con que lo desplace manualmente cuando se atasque en las esquinas. Un saludo y gracias.

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