The 4 best natural pools in Europe

Getting away from home and going on holiday is something everyone wants. Some want to relax in the sunshine, some want to go sightseeing and others want to experience something new. In this article, we are going to talk about four of the most spectacular natural pools in Europe. No matter how you want to enjoy your summer, you can make time for at least one of them.


Chorreras de Cabriel

If you visit Cuenca you should not miss the Chorreras de Cabriel, a natural space located in Cuenca, Spain. It has a sensational natural pool with turquoise water. It is the best option if you are looking for relaxation, surrounded by nature and hiking.



One of the most spectacular places for a relaxing swim is the pool located in the Krka National Park in Croatia. This magnificent turquoise water lake is accompanied by a spectacular waterfall. You can also enjoy a landscape rich in fauna and flora, which has been cared for down to the smallest detail.


Gorge of the Hells

If you are passing through Cáceres, Spain, a visit to the Garganta de los Infiernos is a must. In the nature reserve, you can find some 13 wells and rapids where you can enjoy a refreshing swim. What’s more, if you’re a hiking enthusiast, it has a low-difficulty route lasting an average of 4 hours where you’ll be able to enjoy some incredible views.


Giola Lagoon

Greece is surrounded by spectacular sites. On the Greek island of Thassos lies the Giola Lagoon, one of the best natural pools in the world. The lagoon is surrounded by rocks separating it from the Aegean Sea and has a diameter of 20 meters of emerald water. It is worth mentioning that according to Greek legend it is the eye of Zeus.


Do you want an unforgettable holiday? Surely you do, after some time without being able to enjoy a few days off you are looking forward to it. Happy summer to all of you!


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