Safety in pool: how to protect children and pets

Summer has arrived and your little ones are dying to enjoy the good weather. If you are lucky enough to have a home with a garden and a pool, this will no doubt be their favorite place (and of course yours too) throughout the summer months. Safety in pool

is the main concern among parents at this time of year. 


In this post, we would like to reflect on the importance of making your pool a safe place for yourself and your loved ones. To do so, we will give you some tips on preventing accidents with children and pets and we will also tell you about different devices available to guarantee safety in pool. Don’t miss it!


Is my pool a risk-free zone?

If you are a parent (or if you have small children among your friends and family) or you share your home with pets, you will have wondered this at one time or another.

Having a pool at home is a wonderful advantage, especially if you live far away from the coast, but it is essential that the bathing area has all the necessary safety devices to avoid unpleasant situations with children and animals.


7 tips to promote safety at the pool

Prevention is the key, which is why we will give you some recommendations (put forward by the Spanish National Association for Children’s Safety) so that you can put them into practice and turn your pool into a place for leisure and enjoyment free of danger.


  1. Constant supervision. Children must be watched at all times to guarantee safety in pool, whether they are in the water or poolside.
  2. The 10” 20” rule. This means that the adult must look over to the child every 10” and also stay close enough to get to them within 20”.
  3. Risk detection. Are there any ways for the child to get to the pool and how would he/she do so? Asking this question allows us to get ahead of this happening and avoid it.
  4. Protection. Incorporate safety devices that stop the child from being able to get to the water unsupervised. These include: fences, winter coverings, perimeter or immersion alarms and flotation devices.
  5. Learning. Ideally your little ones will learn to float first and swim after, in advance of the summer season.
  6. Tidiness. If you have toys and other objects near the pool, it is a good idea to move them further away. They could attract children, encouraging them to get closer to the pool to pick them up, with all the danger that entails.
  7. Emergencies. It is absolutely vital to know the emergency telephone number by heart (112) and to learn CPR (cardiorespiratory resuscitation).


Essential accessories for safety in pool

Experts from the Spanish Pediatrics Association (SPA) state that children can drown in less than 3 minutes in just 2 centimeters of water, without their parents noticing the accident. Pool safety is essential to avoid these situations.

Here at GRE we have several different accessories for safety at the pool which will

make it a 100% safe place for little ones and pets. Take note:

  • Pool covers. These coverings allow you to cover your pool and thus avoid accidental falls into the water. In addition, this accessory helps keep your pool clean and maintain the water’s temperature.
  • Safety alarms. The GRE pool safety alarm helps prevent people from falling into the pool. This immersion sensor, which is certified in line with European regulations, emits a loud sound when it detects that a body has fallen into the water. It thus offers important information to improve your ability to supervise children. It goes into automatic monitoring mode 15 minutes after bathing.


Visit GRE to find everything you need to keep your swimming pool safe at all times!


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