Which pool cleaner is best for a removable pool? – PART 2

Before buying a pool cleaner, there are different issues that we have to take into account to know which one suits us:
– The need for cleaning
– What are the dimensions of the pool
– How much time and effort we want / can invest
– How much money do we want to spend?
A few weeks ago, we showed you the differences between manual and battery-powered pool cleaners. Today we want to bring you the comparison of a more complete range of cleaners since they work autonomously: hydraulic cleaners and robot cleaners.

Hydraulic pool cleaner

This type of pool cleaner must be connected to the suction nozzle or to the skimmer through a hose for it to work correctly. Therefore, these cleaners need a hose connection to be able to move freely around the pool.

Dependent on pump power

Hydraulic pool cleaners depend on the pump we have in our pool so we cannot buy just any. If we are going to buy a hydraulic suction pool cleaner, we must be clear that we have to acquire the one that works with the pump we have.
There are cleaners that work with pumps from ½ CV, 1/3 CV etc. Here you have an explanation to clearly see each one with which pump power it fits.

  • R3: Pump: 0,5CV Minimum filtration power: ±0,37KW
  • ACROBAT: Pump: 0,5CV Minimum filtration power: ±0,37KW
  • PROFESSIONAL VAC: Pump: 0,33CV Minimum filtration power: ±0,24KW
  • SILENCE VAC: Pump: 0,5CV (máxima 1,5CV) Minimum filtration power: ±0,37KW
  • CLASSIC VAC: Pump: 0,75CV Minimum filtration power: ±0,55KW
  • WIKI VAC: Pump: 0,1CV Minimum filtration power: ±0,074KW
  • SMALL CONFORT: Pump: 0,33V Minimum filtration power: ±0,24KW
  • Operation of hydraulic cleaners

    If we have an elevated pool, these cleaners are perfect for cleaning both the bottom and the walls. In addition, they are very easy to use and very quick to assemble. Find out how they work here!
    They have a kind of rubber membrane at the base that is responsible for silently sucking up all the dirt it absorbs. It includes several sections of hose that you will have to connect to each other easily to join the base membrane of the cleaner with the suction nozzle.
    In this way, you simply leave the cleaner running and it will autonomously and randomly clean both the bottom and the walls of the pool thanks to its hammer system.

    Pool cleaning robots

    The robot cleaner offers the most complete cleaning of your pool since in addition to cleaning the bottom and walls of the pool, some models of Zodiac range also clean the waterline. Plus, it cleans larger debris like leaves, but it also removes smaller dirt particles that other cleaners can’t.

    What are its most outstanding features?

    They are electric robots that clean any type of swimming pool. They have 2 to 4 motors and different cleaning cycles ranging from 1.5 hours to 3 hours. The cable to which the robot is connected has a very long length so that it runs through the entire pool without limits.
    These cleaners are very agile and include a cart to transport them more comfortably. They move through the water autonomously covering all surfaces.
    Take a look to a comparative table of the different cleaners so that you can clearly see the differences between them.
    Comparison of different pool cleaners


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