World environment day: reforesting forests

It is becoming more and more important to get involved to help the environment and thus prevent the planet from suffering. At GRE we are committed to it.

Our most supportive part

At GRE we care about the quality and guarantee of our products. For this reason, over the years we have obtained different certificates and collaborations that guarantee our social work.


Companies like GRE generate a large amount of different materials and these ones could damage the environment. That’s why it is very important to avoid the impact that it may have in the future.

Plantons pour l’Avenir

Since last year, we have joined Plantons pour l’Avenir association to participate in their project to repopulate French forests.


Currently this association has about 160 sponsoring companies of this fund that helps the environment, working on more than 250 projects. In addition, they have managed to plant more than 2M trees in French forests.


The association has 5 main objectives:

  • Reforestation in unsuitable plots
  • Manage forests sustainably by helping biodiversity
  • Support an economic and social sector to promote employment
  • Sensitize and mobilize public opinion
  • Develop innovative forest management techniques


Nuestras piscinas de madera están fabricadas con pino francés. Disponemos de un certificado que avala que GRE praticipa en la reforestación de los bosques franceses.

At GRE, we exclusively use French pine wood to manufacture our wooden pools. That is why in 2020 we decided to join this association and in this way, for each wooden pool produced, we donate € 1 to the association for reforestation.

Discover our last project!


Throughout our company, we follow a rigorous recycling system. Both in our factory and in our offices, we have different deposits enabled to be able to recycle easily.


Thus, we help to preserve the environment avoiding its accelerated deterioration; what has made us get the Ecoembes certificate.

Sustainable products

In addition to our collaborations with different societies to help our planet, at GRE we have a range of products that do not harm the environment.


It is a sustainable way to enjoy your pool without worrying about the effect it may have. Discover our most sustainable products.


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