Change the look of your pool with a new liner!

For starters, what is a liner?


The liner is the material that covers the interior of the pools. It is made of PVC and its characteristics of impermeability, flexibility and resistance make it ideal for coating the pool.


In the case of Gre’s removable pools, the liner is essential since it allows the pool to be sealed.


Are there different colours for removable pool liners?


Gre has different types of removable pools that vary both in form and material and size: square pools, round, wooden pools, composite … so, we also have liners of different colours that adapt to each pool model of Gre.


The blue liner is the most commonly used for swimming pools, as the water looks of a more intense blue colour, the bottom is dark and the dirt is less obvious. The blue liner is the colour that equips most of Gre’s pools.


But Gre also has other liners for swimming pools: they can be grey or beige, ideal for wooden pools, whose bottom is lighter.

For other pool models, such as composite pools or steel pools, the liner can be blue or tile imitation. The tile look is a great finish to decorate the pool. It is normally used in construction pools, and now you can also enjoy the tile inside the removable pools of Gre.


If you have a blue liner in your pool and you have the possibility to change to a tile imitation one, or vice versa, you will see that it is a great aesthetic change in your pool, without giving up any benefit.


Are all liners for removable pools the same?


When choosing a liner for your pool, you must know the model and dimensions of the pool in order to buy a liner that will fit, since not all liners are the same and can vary a lot between them.


At Gre, we have a wide range of liners for the different models and forms of demountable pools:


  • Liner for steel pools
  • Liner for hybrid pools (steel liners are used)
  • Liner for wooden pools


Also, there are different thicknesses for the liners. The thickness of Gre liners can vary between 20/100 and 75/100 depending on the dimensions of the pool.


How to install the liner in a Gre removable pool?


The removable pool liner is easy to assemble and is made of a recyclable material, but it is the most delicate component of pool handling.


For this reason, at Gre we recommend that the surface on which the liner for swimming pools be placed is completely clean and free of leaves, stones or any protrusion that can perforate the liner … it is even advisable to place a tapestry or a protective blanket, specially designed for the installation of swimming pools.


The liner for swimming pools should not be dragged and, for placement inside the pool, it is advisable to be barefoot. In addition, it is important to install the pool liner on a sunny day, as it improves its properties of flexibility and adaptability to match the structure of the pool.


Once placed inside, fill the pool with a little water to stretch and smooth the wrinkles of the liner to the ends until it is fully stretched without any creases.


Fill the water to the outlet valve of the pool, where it will be necessary to make a small cut with a cutter to place the skimmer and the valve of the pool.


In Gre’s removable wooden pools, the liner is installed using a hanging system, which means that the liner itself has a factory-welded profile to insert or fit into the groove, subsequently adding support to the pool.


Another liner installation system can be the overlap, where the liner does not have that factory welded profile, but fits and stretches along the pool edges. With the help of tweezers it is fastened around the upper perimeter of the pool, and when it is properly placed, the excess is cut and the corresponding profile is placed on top of the pool model.


Is it possible to repair a pool liner?


As already mentioned, the liner is a delicate material, but it is repairable and replaceable in case of deterioration. We can repair small cracks or liner scratches. At Gre, we have a liner repair kit for swimming pools, an essential accessory for the perfect maintenance of the liner, which can be applied even under water without having to empty the pool.


The lifespan of the pool liner will depend on the good or bad use you make of it. If you need to change your liner, you can contact Gre’s after-sales service to get a replacement.


How should I maintain my liner?


To extend the service life of Gre liners, it is necessary to carry out a continuous care. As you control the pH level and the cleanliness of the pool, you should also take care of the liner to enjoy a blue and crystalline water, in addition to prolonging the life of the pool.


It is not recommended to use very acidic cleaners on the liner, as they can discolour the pool liner and even cause it to rot. It is better to use alkaline cleaners. Wrinkles may also appear on the liner due to an excess of disinfectants or a low pH level of the pool water, which causes the liner to stretch excessively and increase its size.


It is advisable, therefore, to regularly analyse the pH of the pool and correct it, if necessary, and use appropriate chemical products and in the correct measurements.


For more information on the maintenance of swimming pools and water treatment products, you can subscribe to Gre’s blog and follow us on social networks.


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pool liner installation with overlap systemadjustment Gre liner with overlap systemGre detachable pool fillingpool liner gresite imitation


  1. Hola, tengo un liner ya antiguo y deteriorado, ¿puedo poner el nuevo encima del antiguo y así tener más consistencia y grosor? Entendiendo que los fijadores admitan el doble grosor.


  2. Buenos días Salva, gracias por contactar con Gre. No aconsejamos poner un liner nuevo sobre uno viejo por dos razones: 1) no conseguiría estirar bien el nuevo liner para que no haya arrugas. 2) Si hubiera una fuga de agua en el liner viejo no la detectaría y eso le podría deteriorar la estructura de su piscina.
    Lo que le puedo aconsejar, si prefiere un liner de mayor espesor, es elegir uno en gresite en vez de el normal. Un saludo.

  3. Hola tengo una gre redonda 460x 132 fondo, la piscina ya está llena pero al montarla no estiramos ni cortamos el liner sobrante y ahora nos sobra bastante en la parte superior sobre el agua, es posible despontar solo la parte de arriba de la extructura para poder estirar y cortar el liner y volver a fijarlo si retirar agua? Gracias

  4. Buenas tardes Jaime,

    No es recomendable ya que el liner se puede venir abajo. Se puede cortar la parte sobrante con cuter.

  5. Hola buenas. Me estoi montando mi piscina redonda de 3 m y tal como me pone e dejado el linier con 4 cm de dobles por arriba.( pero al empezar a llenarla me sobra mucho y tengo bolsas.) Que hice mal ?? seguí todas las instituciones. Gracias

  6. Buenas tardes Rosario,

    El tamaño del liner puede variar en función de la temperatura exterior y se puede estirar. Desgraciadamente no hay solución al problema al menos que vacíe la piscina dejando solo 10cm de agua y luego empuje los pliegues hacia los bordes. Sentimos no poder ofrecerle otra solución.


  7. Hola. Tengo una GRE de 675×375, y al poner otra vez el liner, a media altura del llenado, la chapa se me dobla hacia dentro, eso es normal?
    La medida de la piscina es 610×375, y el liner k es de esa piscina, me hace 570×350, porque es eso? La tuve desmontada 7 meses, y al montar la ahora, me pasa eso.. No se si se ha podido encoje tanto el liner, o que es.
    Si pueden darme consejo. Se lo agradecería.
    Muchas gracias y un saludo

  8. Hola Joanan,

    Tal y como comentas, puede ser por haberlo tenido desmontado tanto tiempo.
    Por favor póngase en contacto con nuestro servicio postventa:
    Ellos podrán ayudarte mejor con tu problema.

    Muchas gracias.

    Muchísimas gracias.”

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