Commercial service

“Where can I buy a swimming pool or other Gre products and accessories?”

To request information about points of sale near your location you have two options. In each product page you can find the nearest store or you can go to our partner store to buy the product. If oyu don’t find any store nearby or any distributors’ webstie you can contact Gre through this link.


“I’m interested in a pool or some of its accessories and I’d like to know its price, but I can not find it on Gre’s page”

Gre does not supply its products to individuals, so it does not provide information regarding the price of its products. To know the prices you can see the prices charged by our GRE product distributors through the “buy from” button in each product tab of the GRE website. If these is not enoguh, it is necessary to consult directly with the stores.

Technical service

“I have a problem with my Gre swimming pool or any of its accessories and I would like to contact an expert in my region”

If you have any problem with your GRE product, you have many options. You can contact with our after-sales service in the following link: after-sales. You will be asked to fill out a form so that our team understands your needs, and then we will contact you by email or phone. We will answer you in less than 48 hours. If you are interested in having a contact with an official GRE installer, we invite you to find the technical and installation service closest to your home. We will be happy to help you solve your problem.

A first time pool owner

“Can I install my Gre pool in ground?”

Gre pools, are designed to be installed above ground. You can consult our advice on the steps to follow on this web at this link.

“I have a new pool and among other things I do not know how to deal with the chemical balance of water”

In this link you can see some basics about how to treat the water in your new pool. For more educational information visit our blog.

Other inquiries

“I want to talk to someone from the department of Gre but not about my pool”

We invite you to contact us through the contact form for other questions.